Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation (FCTF) is a local organization that works as a mechanism for identifying needs and opportunities, proposes strategies, creates the environment for the support and development of the community and is a public benefit organization. FCTF stimulates the philanthropic spirit, community involvement in the proposed projects and campaigns, by dedicating the results exclusively to the community, through careful and transparent management of resources.


Andreea Ganea
Administrative Assistant

Ioana Hașu Georgiev
Communication Officer

Cristiana Metea
Project Manager

Cristina Muntean
Community Manager

Marius Munteanu
Financial Officer

The Făgăraș Research Institute (FRI) support the development of knowledge and science în Țara Făgărașului through research, policy analysis, and innovative educational programs. Our vision is a local community that is well informed and understand well both the challenges it confronts and its on potential for the future. FRI bring together researchers, practitioners, and students from over 15 countries and develops interdisciplinary activities that enhance the use of research în local communities and at național and international level.


Adriana Cârnu
Research Assistant

Ana Maria Chirilă
Assistant Manager

Edi Beserman
Research Assistant

Ianis Roșioru
Research Assistant

Laura Vișan, Ph.D.

Lev Fejes, Ph.D.

Magdalena Drăgan, Ph.D.

Silvia Fierăscu, Ph.D.

Ștefan Cibian, Ph.D.
Research Coordinator

Mihai and Maria Frățilă Foundation (FMMF) has the aim to innovate and create added value through bringing together the experience of past generations with the vision, passion, and active engagement of current and future generations. FMMF is hosting inițiative group and organizations and, together with Make Better: MKBT and FCTF, develops @HomeinFăgăraș, a co-working and co-living space for community initiatives.


Carmen Toma
Asistent Manager


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The project is implemented by Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation in partnership with Mihai and Maria Frațilă Foundation and the Făgăraș Research Institute and benefits from a 249,864 euro grant from Active Citizen Fund România, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
The content of this website does not neccesarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit www.eeagrants.org
More details about Active Citizen Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro